2022 Developer Survey Key Findings Webinar

Did you know? 81% of developers visit Stack Overflow weekly and 53% of them visit daily.

With developers and other technologists in high demand, you have to understand what motivates them and how to engage with them in channels they know and trust.

In this webinar, we'll take you through the high-level findings of Stack Overflow's 2022 Developer Survey so you have a solid foundation to build your employer branding strategy. We'll cover:

  • The types of developers visiting Stack Overflow
  • Technology trends - the top technologies they're using and the ones that are challenging the established technologies
  • Resources developers use when they are learning new technology
  • How developers describe their current work situation - remote, hybrid, or in-person

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Stack Overflow's Employer Branding solution enables companies to engage and market their employer brand to millions of self-motivated, proactive, passionate developers and technologists. Build a talent pipeline and let technologists familiarize themselves with your organization.

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