What reports are available?

Report types

There are three report types to help measure the performance of a Collective™: User, Activity and Health.


User reports measure the size of the Collective from a people perspective. For example, how many unique users are active within the tags or how many page views the question and answer pages receive. These reports can help you understand how many users are using the Collective , with the option to dig further into geographical and tag data.

Recommended first report: Total Size - take a look at the last 30 days, selecting both page views and users with no dimensions.

For the second layer, add in tags as a dimension to bucket items by the size of individual tags.


Activity reports provide data around the various types of content. Number of questions in total and over time, percentage of answered vs. unanswered questions, and more.

Recommended first reports: Total questions and answered questions within the last 30 days.


Health reports are calculated metrics around a Collective’s performance. Response rate is the percentage of questions that received a response within the first 24 hours (includes closed and deleted) and Answer rate is the percentage of questions that received a validated response (accepted/upvote/recommended answer) (includes closed and deleted) within the first 24 hours. These reports help measure the user experience within tags and could even be used to establish/report against an SLA.


  • Date - Date is included by default.
  • Country - The geographical location of the user at time of the page view (User Report Type only).
  • Tag - The different tags on the page. Note that tags will frequently duplicate the data as questions can have multiple tags and therefore 1 Collective page view could be a page view on up to 5 different tags.



Unique users - Count of total unique users within the select dimensions.

Page views - Count of total page views within the select dimensions.


New questions - Count of total newly posted questions within the selected dimensions (includes closed and deleted).

New unanswered questions - Count of total newly posted questions that did not receive an answer within the selected dimensions (includes closed and deleted).

New answered questions - Count of questions that received an answer within the selected dimensions (includes closed and deleted).

New comments - Count of new comments posted within the selected dimensions (includes deleted).

New answers - Count of new Answers posted within the selected dimensions (includes closed and deleted).

New questions from Recognized Members & Admins - Count of total newly posted questions within the selected dimensions by Recognized Members and Admins (includes closed and deleted).

New answers from Recognized Members & Admins - Count of total newly posted answers within the selected dimensions by Recognized Members and Admins (includes closed and deleted).

New comments from Recognized Members & Admins - Count of total newly posted comments within the selected dimensions by Recognized Members and Admins (includes deleted).


Response rate - The % of questions that have gotten an answer within 24 hours (includes closed and deleted).

Answer rate - The % of questions that have received an answer within 24 hours that was validated (through an acceptance or an upvote) (includes closed and deleted).